Wednesday 28 November 2012

# 3 The Corvinus University of Budapest (CUB)

Corvinus University of Budapest - Budapest, Hungary

Hi! I am Rita and I spent the fall semester of 2012 in Budapest.

Budapest is one of the most beautiful cities I know, well ahead of many of the most known ones. It is also very much in the center of Europe so it is very easy and relatively cheap to travel around. The living costs are lower than in Portugal but be aware that it's not so much cheaper.
Regarding the university, I had the following courses: 
·         Decision Methods
Marketing Challenges in Diverse European Markets
·         Supply Chain Management
·         Sustainability and CSR
·         The Roles and Duties of Management
But you could also choose Financial or trade policy courses

The university facilities are great and the courses interesting and the workload is fine (less than in Nova SBE) so you can have a little more time to travel around.
Here are some pictures of the city and university:

Additionally, here is my answer to some questions about Budapest:

1. Why did you choose Budapest?
I choose Budapest because I wanted a whole new experience of how is it to live and study in the Eastern European countries. Also because I heard that students have a really nice time here because it is a really vivid city, especially at night! The fact that is near many other countries also influenced my decision as I want to know some of them. 

2. What do you like here the most (can be a sport activity, a person, a party, a building whatever you like)
I like to run at the Margitsziget because it is really near my place and it is beautiful. 

3. What are the best things being an exchange student in Budapest?
So many parties! It is even impossible to attend them all! 

4. What is new here for you?
I have never lived in a capital before so living is such a big city where so many things happen at the same time is new for me. 

5. What is the first place you would recommend to your friend?
The Fisherman's Bastion. I think it is a great spot for tourists. 

6. What is your favorite party place?
Hum… difficult to say. There are so many! I like the Morrison’s two and the Instant that are a mixture between pub and club. And I love Szimpla, considered the second best bar in the world.

7. What is your favorite building, monument, museum etc. here? (Citadella, castle, chainbridge, Széchenyi square, Széchenyi bath, Heroes square, Andrássy street, you name it)
I know that is super touristic but I still love the Parliament. I passed next to it every day on the way to the university but I still like to see it. 

8. What Hungarian words do you know?
Köszönöm (thank you) was the first. And egészségedre (cheers!) of course… 

9. Do you want to stay longer here?
I wish. Four months go by in a second...


Rita Marques, Class of 2012/2013  
Term abroad - Fall 2012