Wednesday 4 February 2015

#15 Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM) (2)

  Rotterdam, The Netherlands
CEMS Communications Committee Rotterdam

I believe that RSM is a great University to boost your CV, gaining academic expertise and profiting from great corporate events. I think that RSM is definitely manageable and not as bad and tough as everyone is saying. But I think one has to be aware of the fact that it is hard to get very good grades even though you worked very hard and the average is also always lower than I experienced at other Universities. In general, the education system in the Netherlands is hard and very high grades are almost impossible.

I enjoyed very much the life in Rotterdam, the area I lived in (Kralingen), the amazing sports opportunities (outside and gym), the very nice bars and restaurants at Witte de Withstraat, and the very convenient way to get to the airport and to Amsterdam by train. I also loved the biking culture and there is no way to live in Rotterdam without a bike. Everything is very easy and fast to reach with a bike and public transport is very expensive.


·        Mandatory Course Global Strategy (7,5 ECTS): You can choose between International Strategy and International Entrepreneurship, both courses are accepted for the mandatory Global Strategy course. I highly recommend International Entrepreneurship, less workload and better grades. Only one big group assignment, which counts 50% of your grade. The task is to work closely with a startup together on a topic concerning growth and international expansion and writing a teaching case and note and preparing a presentation. 10% participation and exam 40%. In the exam you get a case to which you have to apply the theory learned in class.

·        Strategy of Innovation (5 ECTS): A core course of the Innovation Master at RSM, very interesting course but demanding professor. You have several group assignments to do on the basis of cases and articles, which are all relevant for the exam. But, since each case and article is discussed in class extensively and you work on it in the group assignments, there is not much in terms of exam preparation, if you really read all the articles and participated during class. Good grades definitely possible, but requires a good understanding of the theories! But very interesting course.

·        Marketing Strategy Research (4 ECTS): Major of the Marketing Master and requires a very good level of statistics and SPSS. The course consists of 5 individual assignments and an exam both worth 50%. Out of the 5 individual assignments only the best 3 are counted. The professor explains in the 3 hours lecture new concepts in SPSS and in the afternoon in the lab session you get your individual assignment, which you have to fulfil within one week. In the lab session there is always a tutor, who helps you and answers questions regarding the assignment. Exam is based only on SPSS output, which you have to interpret. Would only recommend this course if you have fun and prior experience in working with SPSS.

·        Corporate Development: Strategies for Acquisition and Alliances (5,5 ECTS): A core course of the Strategy Master at RSM. The professor has a great level of expertise in this field, which you definitely get to profit from in class, where he uses a variety of real life cases of M&As and alliances. The course consists of 5 group assignments out of which 2 get randomly selected and thus 40% of your total grade is derived from. We also did not get any feedback on the assignments until the end, since it is a course of over 300 students and 45 groups. Hence, grading took a long time. You also have the potential to write a company assignment on a selected company and a potential alliance or M&A, which allows you to gain 0,25; 0,5; or 1 point higher of your final grade, which is a very nice option for a 5-page assignment to boost your grade. Exam very easy and very close to the group assignment you did during class. I really enjoyed the course and learned a lot, but he is very hard in giving good grades.

·        Building Healthy Organizations for Optimal Human Performance (5 ECTS): A course of the Human Resources Management Master at RSM. Similar to the “Positive Organizations” course at NOVA in terms of topics covered in class. Very nice and interesting professor, who has immense expertise in Psychology including topics, among others, like burn out.  You have one big group assignment (25%), several group assignments on a pass and fail basis (10%) and a so-called “self-reflection” assignment (20%), for which you get each week new work like tests, or exercises to do. In general, there are a variety of assignments to do for the course but very easy. Exam 45% on the basis of multiple-choice question, which are definitely not to underestimate. Good grades definitely possible.

I lived in Kralingen (close to the Metro station Voorschoterlaan), which is a beautiful area with a lot of families beautiful houses and also the area where most of the students live. It takes you with the bike 3-10 minutes to Uni, depending on where you are living. There is also everything you need in Kralingen many shops, supermarkets cafes and an amazing lake perfect for running.

Also a very cool and “in-place” to live is around Witte de Withstraat, where all the nice bars and restaurant are, basically the place to be when you plan to go out. But you need at least 20 min with the bike to Uni and of course it is a very lively area.

Living on the campus is also an option. The Hatta building is the student-housing place on the campus with very modern facilities. However, I believe it is very expensive and you are able to get way better rooms for a cheaper price outside Uni for example in Kralingen.

Searching for places is almost solely done via Facebook on pages like Commodity Market Rotterdam; Housing Rotterdam; Buying & Sell Rotterdam; Housing Rotterdam RSM. Beginning of each new semester you find an abundance of offers in these groups. But, good areas like Kralingen are very competitive and you really have to try to stand out in the application for a room and why you fit into the apartment.

RSM offers an amazing modern gym with also a lot of courses every day, several squash courts and many more for 65 Euros for 5 months in total. When you get to RSM you should definitely get a gym card, it is the best offer you can get by far in Rotterdam for a gym contract.

There are many study possibilities like in the T building there is a library only for master students or the big library for everyone in the C building. I also liked to study in the Erasmus Paviljoen, since it is a very nice building and a good place to study.

The campus also offers a supermarket, 2 cafeterias with very nice and cheap food, Starbucks, and many more restaurants and snack bars in the so-called “Food Corner”. In the Erasmus Paviljoen is also a very nice restaurant and bar, where it is definitely recommendable to have lunch or dinner as well for fair prices.

Holland offers a lot of places to see. Especially Amsterdam, The Hague, and Delft should be on the list. Everything is easy accessible by train. Also in Rotterdam there is a lot to see, like the brand new and one of the biggest indoor market halls in Europe.

You should definitely get the “Rotterdam Pass”, which allows you to get great offers in restaurants, several cinema visits for free, discounts on museum entrance or the famous harbor boat trips and many more. Officially you have to be registered for the Rotterdam Pass, which is difficult to realize when you rent a private apartment for only a semester, but usually there is still a way to get it.

Saturday and Tuesday there is the big market at Blaak and I highly recommend getting fruits and vegetables there since it way cheaper than in any supermarket and the quality is especially in the summer even better. Also for getting fresh fish, seafood and good cheese it is very recommendable.

I also recommend “Café Belmondo” between Blaak and Kralingen where usually students go to study offering free Wi-Fi, nice coffee and snacks. The café also offers a silent area or the usual public place for everyone.

Since I am a European citizen I did not need a Visa.

Not necessary.

Work Projects
I did not do my work project at RSM. Generally RSM offers a variety of corporate events every week, usually published in the weekly CEMS Newsletter. I highly recommend staying updated regarding these opportunities, since there are really a variety of very good events you can participate in.

Positive: Gym facility on the campus.


By Roxana Plötz, Class of 2014/2015
Term abroad - Fall 2014

Nationality: German
Country of residence: Germany
Home School: NOVA
Host School: Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University