Wednesday 9 July 2014

# 12 Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM)

      Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Kralingsen Plas

      1. The Netherlands

Small country with a peculiar weather, get use to rain and sun in the same day and it is always windy. Your best friend will be the weather apps. 
The trains work very well therefore you can visit other cities in The Netherlands (Utrecht, Maastricht, Amsterdam, Delft, Den Haag, and others) and also visit Belgium ( Rotterdam – Brussels is around €20). Download the app 9292 or check the website to have access to train and trams time table in the entire country.

      2. Rotterdam

Rotterdam is a very nice city, with modern architecture and wonderful terraces to enjoy the sun. The city center is small, bike is the best transportation

2.1 ‘My’ best places

·         Kraligen Plas – to jogging, to have a drink or do a barbecue

·         Blaak Market – every Tuesday and Saturday

·         Cubic Houses – the icon of Rotterdam

·         Erasmus Bridge

·         Euromast 

Erasmus Bridge

2.2 Transports

Everyone has a bike, however don’t forget to buy a good locker otherwise you will get yours stolen. You can buy one in the fb groups like Rotterdam Commodity Market, by asking for it or replying to one of the innumerous posts. 
To use the tram you can buy in the central station or in other big stations an anonymous Ovi-chipkaard (check the website:, costs 7.5€ and you can put credit on it. It gives you cheaper travels otherwise you have to buy a single ticket that costs €3 (normally one travel with the ovi-chikaard costs around €1.5). 

2.3 Restaurants

As you may guess, The Netherlands is not the cheapest country, especially when compared to Portugal. Nevertheless the biggest difference is felt in the prices you pay in restaurants or clubs/bars. . 
You can find a huge variety of cuisines, but the classics are the Italian restaurants: VIP (Very Important Pizza), Happy Italy, Vapiano, and others. A cheap alternative is also enjoying the many fast food roulettes in the middle of the street. A especially note for the Rotterdam famous invention named Kapsalon that you can find in Kebab stands. For the ‘desert’, go near Blaak and try the poffertjes (mini pancakes) and also the typical cookie with sweet cream inside. 

2.4 Supermarkets

The biggest chain is Albert Heijn (very similar to the Pingo Doce in Portugal). However if you want cheaper supermarkets you have others like Aldi. But to buy fresh (and cheaper) vegetables and fruit go to the market every Tuesday and Saturday at Blaak, it is the best. 

2.5 Nightlife

Because we know study is not everything, it is crucial to talk a bit about the parties and the nightlife in this review. Despite from what you may think, we believe it is perfectly doable to combine the workload of the university with your mental sanity, meaning parties.

The key for your mental sanity to stay intact is to have a good CEMS Club, which you may be part of, if you want. This body is of outmost importance because they are the only ones to organize the social activities for you.

Concerning clubs/bars, there are a few interesting options in Rotterdam. In the end, you will spend the majority of your Tuesday’s nights in a club called BED, where ESN organized a weekly international party with very cheap beer.

Going in detail, the following activities were the ones we had during the semester:

·         Carnival in Cologne

·         Trip to Ireland (Dublin)

·         Cycling dinner

·         King’s day

·         Pub Crawl

·         Karaoke night

·         Marathon

·         Barbecue

·         Paintball

·         Several dinners and clubbing nights

Along with all this activities, we also had a few sustainable and corporate initiatives such as volunteering days with homeless or mental disable people and company presentations and tours.

A special note for King’s day - a ceremony that marks the birth of the King Willem-Alexander. This event happens every year on April 27th and is one of the most known parties in the Netherlands. It is a daily party, celebrated from morning till the time you can’t walk anymore and the craziest action takes place in Amsterdam. Definitely a most!

    King’s day in Amsterdam
      3. The University

Don’t be confused by the name of the faculty, “RSM”, vs the name of the university, “Erasmus”. Unlike what it may seem, the most famous university in Rotterdam is not named after the many students it receives in the Erasmus exchange program, rather by the Dutch Renaissance theologist Desiderius Erasmus. Within this huge university – with over 20,000 students – stands the business and management faculty, called RSM.

It is often heard by CEMS students throughout the world that NOVA and RSM are similar in that they are two of the most demanding universities of the program. Although I have not studied in all the others, from the 5 universities I attended throughout the past years, I have to admit that RSM is very good academically. 
I attended three courses: “Management Challenges in International Organizations” (the mandatory course), “Corporate Governance and Strategic Leadership” and “Climate Change Strategy Role Play”. They were all quite interesting, challenging and had excellent teachers. However, one of the only problems we faced at the university was the grading systems. Although their scale is from 1-10 (easy to convert into Nova’s scale of 1-20) it is extremely difficult to achieve their “cume laude” grade of 8.5, which is equivalent to Nova’s grade of 17.

3.1  International Business Projects (IBP)

Regarding the International Business Projects (IBP) at RSM there are around 12 different projects, grouped in teams of 4-5 students, typically from very different nationalities. The difference of RSM’s IBP system, to that of other schools, is that you do not get to select your favourite. You receive a survey, some months in advance, asking what subjects and industries you would prefer to work with, but you do not even know the companies/subjects until you get there. 
From the three of us who were in RSM last spring semester, we got IBP’s with Siemens (myself), CARE Nederland (Beatriz) and Berenschot (Miguel). I was extremely lucky because my group got to travel to Spain and the UK as part of the data collection process for our project and I had a great Academic and Company coach. However this is not always the case – feel free to contact us personally for more specific details regarding other projects.

Overall, I really enjoyed the university and I believe I speak for the three of us when I say that Rotterdam is a great choice of CEMS exchange city, particularly if you want a great “academic stamp” on your CV!

3.2 Campus

The University campus is amazing! Since 1 year ago they are improving the facilities and trying to increase the sustainability of the campus. As a result, it is super green, there are lakes everywhere and the atmosphere is cool. Some of the facilities include:

·         Starbucks

·         Sports Center (gym, football and tennis fields, classes…)

·         Several restaurants, including a totally renewed area.

·         Pub

·         Supermarket

In addition, if you are trying to find a place to live, I recommend you the U-building, also known as Hatta Building. This is a 15-floor building inside campus only for international students to live. It is cool because you have everything you need in a 5-minute walking distance from you and the environment is very friendly. Nevertheless I would try to ask in the CEMS Facebook group if someone is thinking about staying there because in my year we were we were 12 CEMS students living there and that obviously made the experience much better.

Erasmus University Campus

By Beatriz Gonçalves, Miguel Vale and Patricia Weigert,Class of 2013/2014

Term Abroad - Spring 2014